Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 27 - Tunnel Creek to Derby

After breaky this morning, we set off to explore Tunnel Creek.

When we got there we had to get our torches because it gets dark.  It was really nice in the cave and we had to walk through water up to waist deep on me.

Limestone formation in the cave.

There were some massive stalactite formations in the cave.  Some several meters in length & diameter.  They must be very old because they take a century to grow between 5 to 25mm.

Notorious Aboriginal freedom fighter Jandammara used Tunnel Creek to hide from the police for 3 years before he was shot at the entrance of of his hideout on April 1 1897.

The Lillimooloora Station ruins.

 The Lillimooloora Station was used as a police station & jail while the police hunted Jandammara.

Dad reckons putting your car on its lid is a good way to ruin your holiday.  Not cool.

When we got out we went back to hitch up the camper and went to Derby.

On the way we saw a caravan that had rolled on the dirt road & was being loaded onto the back of a recovery truck.  No-one was hurt luckily.  It appeared the van got into a fishtail, then rolled. Another way to cast a gloom over your holiday!

When we got to Derby we booked in to an actual caravan park (totally not us), set up camp and went to a pub for lunch and had a walk around town.

When we got back we saw this white peacock.

We sat down for a bit at camp and then organised dinner and crashed for the night.

Our journey continues...

Bye for now,

Cooper  :) 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cooper. This is Hayden. I guess you are having a good trip. I am really interested in your notes and photos. Looks awesome!!!!
