After breaky this morning, we got our stuff ready to f to
Horizontal Falls, which we are really looking forward to.
Then we went out for a walk around the prison boab tree and had lunch at the
sports bar. I had pizza.
Then we went back got our stuff and waited for the bus to
arrive to drop us off at the airport.
When we got there we hopped on the sea plane and we went to Horizontal falls.
Here is a video of the tour we will be taking...
And this is the view of the falls on our flight in. We thought it looked pretty cool from the sky, but it was really cool from the boat!
Our accommodation for the night
Then we went on the speed boat and went up the falls.
We couldn’t go up the second fall because it was narrower and the water was going too fast.
When we got back I swam with the sharks and there was this
huge fish called Gordon & hes a QLD groper. All 180kgs of him.
Hello Gordo. He really liked me. Dad said that's because he wanted to eat me.
The sharks lining up for tucker. They were all Tawny Nurse sharks.
Then we watched the sunset then had fresh barra & sadad for dinner.
They needed extra fish to feed the sharks & Gordo so they asked if I wanted to catch some bait fish on the jig hooks. I caught at least 30 bait fish.
...more sharks
After a long day with more new and exciting things to see and do, it was definitely time for bed,
Bye for now,
Cooper :)
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